Neon Reflection

1. Which picture is the best shot of this assignment? Why

My best shot of this assignments would be the first one with the smudges because it took time to take and edit to look that way.

2. Which picture is the weakest shot of this assignment?  Why?

My weakest shot is also the first one because it wasnt focused i edited it to make the smudged and look better.

3. How can the weakest image be improved on in future shoots?

I could focus the image better to allow the image to be clearer.

4. Did you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or both?  What tools in the programs did you use to edit the pictures?

I used Photoshop to edit, i used the smudge tool alot and a mask frame.

5. Explain how were you able to meet the objectives (GOALS) of the assignment? **THE GOAL CHANGES EACH LESSON. **SEE THE EQ ON THE ASSIGNMENT AND ANSWER THAT FOR THIS QUESTION.

The shutter speed needed to be lowered to increase the light taken into the picture.

6. What was easy about this assignment? Why?

The easiest part of the assignment was also the most fun, painting faces and hair to glow in the light.

7. What was difficult about this assignment? Why?

The most difficult thing about this assignment was getting the motivation to edit the pictures and to do this reflection.

8. If you could do this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would take more pictures and focus more on the paints design.

9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being your best effort) how would you rate your effort in this project?  Why would you give yourself that rating?

I would rate my effort a 6 because i was not motivated to do the project i didnt do my best work.
