Backlight Reflection

 1.Which picture is the best shot of this assignment? Why

The second picture was my best picture especially when it the colors are negative because it shows detail and a story without front lighting.

2. Which picture is the weakest shot of this assignment?  Why?

The first picture is my weakest shot because the light behind the sheet is visible taking away from the narrative.

3. How can the weakest image be improved on in future shoots?

The weakest image could be improved by dispersing the light and having the characters stand in front of the light.

4. Did you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or both?  What tools in the programs did you use to edit the pictures? 

I used Photoshop to edit the pictures, simple things like reversing the colors and making sure all colors are visible.

5. Explain how were you able to meet the objectives (GOALS) of the assignment?

I was able to meet the objectives by having the people behind the screen do an action and capturing all the steps.

6. What was easy about this assignment? Why?

The easy part of this assignment was taking pictures because i told the people who were behind the sheet to do what they wanted i would just capture it.

7. What was difficult about this assignment? Why?

The hardest part of this assignment was editing the pictures to allow just enough light and detail.

8. If you could do this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would put more effort into planning the shots to align with the lighting.

9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being your best effort) how would you rate your effort in this project?  Why would you give yourself that rating?

I would rate my effort with a 5 because i didn't do my best work i for sure could have done better.
