Composition Reflection

       1.Which picture is the best shot of this assignment? Why

Picture 7 is one of my favorite shots of this assignment. it is my favorite because of the reflection of the clouds in the sky and the sharpness of the trees in the background.

2. Which picture is the weakest shot of this assignment?  Why?

The weakest shot was picture 5 of the sunflower because it was a quick, not thought out shot.

3. How can the weakest image be improved on in future shoots?

The weakest image can be improved by planning the shot out more and applying more of the composition rules.

4. Did you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or both?  What tools in the programs did you use to edit the pictures? 

i used Photoshop to edit the pictures focusing on the burn and dodge tools to brighter or darken certain pieces of the shot

5. Explain how were you able to meet the objectives (GOALS) of the assignment?

i was able to meet the goals because i already practice the compositions rules since i have taken a film class the also uses them.

6. What was easy about this assignment? Why?

taking the pictures was easy in this assignment because it was of nature and the weather was still nice

7. What was difficult about this assignment? Why?

the difficult part about this assignment was editing the photos since i have no idea how to use Photoshop.

8. If you could do this assignment again, what would you do differently?

If i could do this assignment again I would put more thought into the shots to fulfill the requirements better

9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being your best effort) how would you rate your effort in this project?  Why would you give yourself that rating?

I would rate my effort at an 8 because i tried really hard to edit the shots but i could always do better taking the shots and learning how to edit them better.
